There are multiple ways to watch the CCSH sermons! You can watch them on our main platform Vimeo, Youtube, Facebook, or just go directly to our home page or below!

Our service starts at 11:00am on Sundays and 6:30pm on Wednesdays, but feel free to come early and watch our services live! Click the video below or you can use any of the directions below: 

To watch on Vimeo:

  1. Click on the Vimeo button above to be taken to our Vimeo Homepage.
  2. You should see our Live Event as the first video on our page! Once it has started, it will show it as available. 
  3. Optional Step: Create a Vimeo account by going to and clicking “Join”! Then go to our Vimeo page at and press the follow button. You will then get notifications when we live stream or add any videos!

    To watch on Facebook:

    1. Click on the Link above to be taken to our Facebook Page! 

    2. Go to the Events tab and find the Sermon Event and press the “Join live” button. 

    3. You also should see this Live Event pop up as a post at the time of the sermon and can just press play!

    To watch on a Smart TV on Vimeo App:

    1. Go on your Smart TV and go to the “App” Menu
    2. Download the Vimeo app
    3. Once the app downloads, open Vimeo and Go to the Search Tab. 
    4. Search for Calvary Chapel of the Sandhills
    5. Sermon should Pop up on our main page 15 minutes before service. 
    6. Press play and enjoy!